Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Life is a Journey

Life is a journey. Yeah I know that you heard about this a lot that life is a journey but still find it hard to believe. Why we are saying that life is a journey because then only we try to understand this perspective of life. The moment we starts talking about the destination of life then we forget to take the leisure of journey that we undertake in the various phases of life. The moment we starts taking life is a journey then we learns the various facet of life and enjoys it thoroughly.

I remember many a time we start taking life very seriously and if do not get whatever we think we deserve, then lots of frustration creeps in life. We start to crib about everything and every turns and twist and adversity. Therefore, the impetuous of life is a journey is crucial turnaround in once perspective for life. While is journey we may get things we like and at times met accidently with things we don’t like. So, how do we tackle situation in real life?

Because we know that it is a journey so it is easy to get along with the flow and cross what may come in the path. And, that’s the significance of life when a start treat life is a journey. The important aspect about the life is to live in present and learn from everything happening around us. The moment we learn to tread that path and journey in itself becomes interesting. So, taking pronoun of life is a journey in literal sense does gives a lot of relieve and a new and fresh purpose in life to move ahead.

Surya Prakash Arya

Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand, India
(Views are personal)

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