Thursday, August 27, 2015

Watch Me

In any relationship, appreciating your partner matters. It is up-to you, how frequently you do that. But believe me, you can start doing this in a very simple manner. To start the conversation, you can always say watch me. This would impress upon your partner to look at you in a much focused manner. Once that is being done, just shoot a line of appreciation for your partner.

Life is becoming hell lot of busy and it is increasingly becoming difficult for us to concentrate on things which really matters in life. Watch me!! I know, you would be surprised to find these words here, but it has created the right kind of impact on you, which I wanted it from you. So, whenever you get this chance, just do that. Don’t wait for appropriate time, as it would never come.

Many things are being written about it in past and in present, but this life we getting it for once, so take advantage of its every moment. We as a human being crave for appreciation. But when we start living with a person, we always take that person for granted. It is out of this attitude which makes life so complicated. Try to figure that out and simplify things as far as possible.

By-Surya Prakash Arya

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